Bukable Enterprise Application

Many employers use hiring platforms to find the right candidates by posting job openings which allows them to reach a large pool of candidates at once, instead of selecting candidates manually.

Bukable Enterprise Application includes a cloud-based ATS software that manages the recruitment process. It allows Bukable to collaborate with companies with a hiring team.




User Experience Design




The problem

1.    Difficulty in reaching a large number of applicants.
2.    Few hiring platforms to post jobs and deals.
3.    More time is wasted while hiring candidates manually. Recruiters want a solution that can make the hiring process easy and fast.
4.    Difficulty finding interns that are more suitable for the position. 

The goal

1.    A hiring platform to post jobs and deal.
2.    Save time to hire. Example improving interview scheduling management.
3.    Connect with talent.
4.    A platform that makes hiring process smooth from the beginning to the end.
5.    Monitor the responses of mentees when jobs and deals are posted.
6.    Reach out to a large pool of applicants giving more opportunities to people from different backgrounds.

Target Users

Employers, Recruiters or Hiring Managers, Companies.


6 UX designer, 3 UX Researcher, 1 project/product manager.

My role

Brand Design, UX/UI Design.


*   Overall: 4 months
*   Discovery & Research: 1 month
*   Brand and Design System: 1 month
*   Design & testing: 2 months


*   Figma
*   Linear

Empathy mapping

The empathy map provided a comprehensive view of the users' world including their motivation, pain points and aspiration. It helped to identify opportunities for creating a solution that addresses their needs. It captured the insights and observations gathered, and served as a guide for developing a user-centered solution that can provide value to the user.

By using an empathy map, the team was able to empathize with the users, understand their perspective and create a solution that meets their expectations.

 User personas

User personas helped the design team to focus on the users' needs, goals and challenges, rather than just the technical need of the platform. This approach ensures that the platform will be more intuitive and user friendly which will ultimately lead to better user engagement and adoption.

User flow

In other to have an understanding of how seamless and short it is for a user to easily complete a task on Bukable, a user flow was drawn out showing the actions a user must take to achieve an end goal.

While the Bukable isn't limited to recruitment, below is a flow showing how a user seeking to employ job seekers on the Bukable platform can go about it step by step.

Bukable Enterprise App User Flow


High Fidelity Designs

Bukable Enterprise App mockups

Accountability Considerations

  1. Designs were made with WebAIM. WCAG standards were strictly adhered to for colour contrast. 
  2. Provided access to users who are visually impaired through adding alt text to images for screen readers.
  3. Alternative options were provided for gestures, like; clicking outside and overlay to close it. Used icons to help make navigation easier.
  4. W3C recommendation for duration (150ms - 500ms) of motion was strictly adhered to.
"If there is a skill I learnt from this project and the internship as a whole, it is collaboration. This helped to learn from the diverse members of the team and to get tasks completed faster and more efficiently."

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